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Continued Access to
Cleanbody Core
Education Modules

Access to the
Weekly Update Form
Reviewed by the Cleanbody Team

Access to the
Weekly Support Group Sessions
with Dr. Fong & the CB Team

Evaluating your own health progress is an important step in the Cleanbody Method! In the Cleanbody For Life membership, you get continued access to the Weekly Update Form and Weekly Support Group Sessions, so that you can continue tracking your progress until you achieve Cleanbody Health and beyond!
If you have not finished your education modules or want continued access to these modules, then this membership gives you continued access all of your education modules.

Our goal is for you to achieve Cleanbody Health! This is "true health" where you are symptom-free and functioning optimally, not just free of disease!
You've Already Tried EVERYTHING!
How Do you Know this Will Work?

First of all, we know exactly how you feel. Everyone on our team has been on a similar healing journey in the past, and we believe that you have every right question this program. We know that you have been let down time and time again. The Cleanbody For Life Membership is different because it was designed by a doctor and a team who has been in your same shoes, and they have optimized the program to provide you with all the support and tools you need to succeed.
1) Cleanbody Assessments and Daily Journaling Allow you to Evaluate your Health and Customize your program
This is not a one-size-fits-all program, because we are all unique individual people with different needs. In the Cleanbody For Life Membership, we provide Cleanbody Assessments and a Daily Journaling app to allow you to evaluate your own health and customize your program.
2) You have a Partner that will Hold your Hand to the Finish Line
Your Cleanbody Team will be your partner as you go through the program. In this membership, you have access to meeting with the Cleanbody Team in our weekly coaching sessions.
3) If You Are Ready to Give 100%, We Will be There Giving 100% Right Back
We can attest to how much this program works, but it only works if you put the work in. If you give 100%, then you will get 100% out of this program and we will be so excited to greet you at the finish line! If you are not ready to work, and you prefer to continue using bandaids, then this program might not be right for you. We hope that you are willing to take the leap!

This is your life, and your health! The education and support in this program is everything you need to create a strong foundation for a Cleanbody - for less than one typical visit to the Emergency Room and astronomically less than your potential hospital bills in the future, if you do not fix your underlying issues now!
Click the button below to get started!
Who is on the Cleanbody Team?
Dr. Fong, our Cleanbody Nutritionists, and our Care Coordinator are your Cleanbody Team. Click to learn more about your Cleanbody Team.
How much does the membership cost?
The Cleanbody For Life Membership is $57/month.
When does the monthly membership start?
Your monthly membership begins on the day of your first monthly payment.
What is the cancellation policy for this membership?
You must give us at least 14 business days’ notice prior to your next payment date for cancellation of your Cleanbody For Life Membership.
Are the Group Sesssions virtual?
All of the Group Sessions are conducted via zoom, so that you can connect with us in the comfort of your own home!
How do I get started?
Sign up for the membership here!