In-Office Visits in Menlo Park, CA & Telehealth Appointments in Select States! Book a Consultation to Learn More
1 Monthly Individual Visit
with your CB Nutritionist
Weekly Evaluation & Support
Evaluation of Progress & Check-In Your CB Nutritionist
On-going Customized
Nutritional & Wellness Care Plan
Nutritional Labs
as needed (cost not included)
Direct Messaging
with Your CB Nutritionist
Weekly Group Visits
with Dr. Fong & the CB Team
Access to Cleanbody Core & Advanced
Education Modules
Access to Cleanbody
Coaching App
You will meet with your CB Nutritionist to check in with your Nutritional and Cleanbody Pillar Health. Are you eating CleanFOOD, following your CleanFIT plan, maintaining a CleanMIND, working on a CleanENVIRO, and keeping up with your CleanROUTINE? Your CB Nutritionist will make sure you are on track to achieving Cleanbody Health!
When you are ready for follow-up labs, your Cleanbody Nutritionist will order labs to check in with your progress. If you are progressing well, your Cleanbody Nutritionist may suggest that you switch to the Cleanbody For Life membership for maintenance.
Every Sunday, you will fill out a weekly update form to update your Cleanbody Team and ask any important questions you want answered. You should also make sure to add at least 1-3 days of journal entries by Sunday evening, so that your Cleanbody Team can review your journal entries and weekly update form on Monday. On Monday, you can attend our Weekly Support Group Session at 8AM PST, if possible. You may also watch the recording of this visit later in the day. Your CB Nutritionist will reach out to you on Monday to comment on your progress and offer any necessary support.
You will have continued access to the Cleanbody Core and Advanced Education Modules, so that you can refer to these as you continue your Cleanbody journey. Your Cleanbody Nutritionist will be available to answer questions or troubleshoot any flare-ups or detox symptoms along the way.
Our goal is for you to achieve Cleanbody Health! This is "true health" where you are symptom-free and functioning optimally, not just free of disease!
You've Already Tried EVERYTHING!
How Do you Know this Will Work?
First of all, we know exactly how you feel. Everyone on our team has been on a similar healing journey in the past, and we believe that you have every right question this program. We know that you have been let down time and time again. The CleanCARE Wellness Membership is different because it was designed by a doctor and a team who has been in your same shoes, and they have optimized the program to provide you with all the support and tools you need to succeed.
1) Daily Journaling, Direct Messaging, Individual Visits, & Weekly Check-ins Allow Us to Customize Your Care
In the CleanCARE Wellness Membership, your nutrition plan, daily regimen, Cleanbody pillars, and Cleanbody protocols are all customized to address your specific health needs. This is not a one-size-fits-all program, because we are all unique individual people with different needs.
2) You have a Partner that will Hold your Hand to the Finish Line
Your Cleanbody Nutritionist will be your partner every step of the way as you go through the program. They will review your progress and check in with you weekly, meet with you individually, and be available for direct messaging throughout the program. Your partners won't let you fail!
3) If You Are Ready to Give 100%, We Will be There Giving 100% Right Back
We can attest to how much this program works, but it only works if you put the work in. If you give 100%, then you will get 100% out of this program and we will be so excited to greet you at the finish line! If you are not ready to work, and you prefer to continue using bandaids, then this program might not be right for you. We hope that you are willing to take the leap!
This is your life, and your health! The comprehensive support in this program is everything you need to achieve success for less than one typical visit to the Emergency Room and astronomically less than your potential hospital bills in the future, if you do not fix your underlying issues now!
Click the button below to schedule a Discovery Consultation so
we can meet and make sure this is the right program for you!
Who is my Cleanbody Nutritionist?
All of our Cleanbody Nutritionists are Certified Nutrition Specialists with advanced nutrition degrees. Click to learn more about our Cleanbody Nutritionists.
What kind of support will my Cleanbody Nutritionist Provide?
Your Cleanbody Nutritionist specializes in medical nutrition therapy or nutritional counseling (depending on your state), tailoring her approach to your unique needs and circumstances. This involves crafting a customized plan that includes refined dietary recommendations, portion control insights, and mindful eating practices. Beyond dietary advice, they serve as your motivator, helping you overcome challenges and celebrate milestones. Your Cleanbody Nutritionist may also exploring supplementary support like nutritional labs and targeted supplements. Their dedication extends beyond the program's duration, as they're committed to your long-term well-being, ensuring the strategies you gain become lasting aspects of your lifestyle. In essence, they're your unwavering partner, providing the tools and knowledge you need to thrive on your wellness journey.
How much does the membership cost?
The CleanCARE Medical Membership is an investment in your health! The monthly membership costs $797 per month.
Is there a discount if I purchase multiple months?
If you purchase 3 months or longer, you will receive 10% off your package price. Your Cleanbody Team may recommend this to you if they think you needed concierge-level support for 3 months or longer.
Does the program cost include supplement and lab costs?
No, the program cost does not include supplement and lab costs because each supplement protocol and lab recommendation is unique to each individual.
How much will I spend on supplements?
Supplement costs are different for every person because everyone will have a different roadmap. Average monthly cost can range from $100 to $300 per month.
Do I need to do labs?
While labs are not a mandatory component for your Cleanbody Nutritionist to provide effective support in your journey towards Cleanbody Health, they may be recommended based on your individual situation. Nutritional labs can offer valuable insights into your body's specific needs and potential areas for improvement, allowing your Nutritionist to fine-tune their recommendations to align with your unique physiology. However, the decision to undergo labs is ultimately collaborative, and your Cleanbody Nutritionist will work with you to determine whether they would provide meaningful additional information to enhance your wellness journey.
How much are the labs?
Here is a cost breakdown of some of the most common labs that you may be able to purchase through a third-party company, depending on where you live. The cost for these labs is paid directly to the labs.​ Please note, labs are not available in some areas.​
Food and Environmental Allergy: $159, measures allergy IgE response to 150 food and environmental allergens.
Food Intolerance: $159, measures IgG response to 250 commonly consumed foods
Environmental Toxins: $288, a toxic non-metal chemical profile that screens for the presence of 173 different toxic chemicals using 18 different metabolites, all from a single urine sample
Comprehensive gut analysis: $429-524, includes leaky gut, microbiome, pathogens, gut health and additional parasite testing
Cellular Nutrition Assay: $199 to $299, measures the effect of micronutrients on immune function to identify nutrient insufficiencies
Organic Acids: $238, measures organic acid levels to detect imbalances, toxicity, and causes of inflammation
3x4 Genetics Test: $299, contains 36 key insights and several practical, personalized, recommendations for patients to start taking control of their health
When does the monthly membership start?
Your monthly membership begins on the day of your first monthly payment.
What is the cancellation policy for this membership?
You must give us at least 14 business days’ notice prior to your next payment date for cancellation of your CleanCARE Wellness Membership.
Are the visits virtual?
All of the visits are conducted via zoom, so that you can connect with us in the comfort of your own home!
How do I get started?
Schedule a Discovery Consultation with Dr. Fong so that she can assess your health and understand if this is the right program for you. Schedule a Discovery Consultation here.