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The Cleanbody Method, created by our founder and naturopathic doctor, Dr. Diane Angela Fong, ND, is based on naturopathic medicine principles. As a naturopathic doctor, Dr. Fong combines the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science. Steeped in traditional healing methods, principles and practices, naturopathic medicine focuses on holistic, proactive prevention and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. By using protocols that minimize the risk of harm, naturopathic doctors help facilitate the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health. It is the naturopathic physician’s role to identify and remove barriers to good health by helping to create a healing internal and external environment.

Qualified naturopathic physicians undergo rigorous training before they become licensed health-care practitioners. A licensed naturopathic doctor (ND) attends a four-year, graduate-level naturopathic medical school and is educated in all of the same basic sciences as an MD, but also studies holistic and nontoxic approaches to therapy with a strong emphasis on disease prevention and optimizing wellness.

In addition to a standard medical curriculum, the naturopathic physician is required to complete four years of training in clinical nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathic medicine, botanical medicine, psychology, and counseling (to encourage people to make lifestyle changes in support of their personal health). A naturopathic physician takes rigorous professional board exams so that he or she may be licensed by a state or jurisdiction as a primary care general practice physician. 


NDs treat all medical conditions and can provide both individual and family health care. Among the most common ailments they treat are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, obesity, respiratory conditions, heart disease, fertility problems, menopause, adrenal fatigue, cancer, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. NDs can perform minor surgeries in many states, such as removing cysts or stitching up superficial wounds. However, they do not practice major surgery. NDs are trained to utilize prescription drugs, although the emphasis of naturopathic medicine is the use of natural healing agents.


- excerpt from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians 


Naturopathic Doctors practice the six fundamental principles of naturopathic medicine:


The Healing Power of Nature
Trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself.


Identify and Treat the Causes
Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause.


First Do No Harm
Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.


Doctor as Teacher
Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health.


Treat the Whole Person
View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions.


Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.

holistic care
naturopathic doctor


Dr. Diane Angela Fong, ND is our naturopathic doctor and the medical director of Cleanbody. Dr. Fong developed the Cleanbody Program, which allows you to identify and treat the underlying cause of chronic and acute illness. As a naturopathic doctor, Dr. Fong utilizes an array of naturopathic modalities to customize treatments to her individual patients.


Dr. Fong works to wean patients off of medications by treating the root cause, thereby eliminating the need for harmful prescription drugs. Read more about Dr. Fong.


Dr. Fong keeps herself up-to date on the latest scientific research and incorporates this evidence into her treatments as needed.  She speaks and understands the language of conventional medicine, however instead of utilizing conventional treatments, she will offer you a whole new arsenal of naturopathic treatments and insights. In addition to Cleanbody Protocols in the Cleanbody Program, Dr. Fong utilizes the following naturopathic modalities to add additional support to any other imbalances she finds in her investigation of your case.



functional medicine
Functional Medicine


Functional medicine focuses on discovering the origins of disease from a functional perspective, identifying and treating deficiencies, organ dysfunction, or toxicity in the body.  Often, before homeopathy can be effective, the "obstacles to cure" must be removed. Functional medicine can identify what these obstacles are and work to clear these imbalances. Functional medicine treatment includes: 


  • Lifestyle Modification

  • Exercise

  • Stress Management

  • Nutrition 

  • Supplementation

  • Detoxification



Homeopathy is at the core of Dr. Fong's practice as a Naturopathic Doctor. Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of medicine utilizing potentized remedies made from plants, animals, and minerals to trigger a healing response in the body.  The homeopathic prescription requires an experienced clinician who can identify a remedy matching the symptom picture of the patient. When prescribed properly and once the "obstacles to cure" have been removed, Dr. Fong has observed homeopathy to provide a true curative healing.

herbal remedies
Botanical Medicine


Botanical medicine is the use of plants or substances derived from plants as medicine to treat and prevent disease.  Many conventional medicines are derived from botanical plants.  Botanical medicine can be very powerful. Dr. Fong utilizes botanical medicine when needed in combination with homeopathy. Dr. Fong utilitzes botanical medicines in the form of:


  • tinctures

  • dry herbs

  • teas

  • powders

  • capsules and tablets

Naturopathic Counseling
Naturopathic Counseling & Mind-Body Techniques


Support and guidance through the healing process is integral to the success of the homeopathic prescription. Dr. Fong provides this type of one-on-one support through Cleanmind Sessions to help patients understand and resolve any personal, social, or psychological problems that may arise during treatment and offers support using mind-body techniques such as EFT, meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga.

 Integrative Medicine
Integrative Medicine


Dr. Fong is trained in integrating conventional medicine with functional and naturopathic modalities. If a patient is taking prescription medications, Dr. Fong will integrate a naturopathic approach with the goal of eventually weaning off the medications.


If the patient is not on any prescription medications, but the patient's condition is very far along, Dr. Fong will prescribe conventional medications initially while supporting the patient to a healthier state. Once the patient's condition has improved, she will then support weaning off the prescription medications and supporting with naturopathic modalities.

Supportive Modalities
Other Supportive Modalities


As needed, Dr. Fong utilizes other modalities such as:


naturopathic doctor

Ready for symptom-free life? Let's Get Started!

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