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Negative Ion Therapy
Harnessing the Power of Nature
You know how great you feel when you’re breathing in the fresh air under a canopy of trees or standing before a magnificent waterfall? Well, that’s the magic of negative ions at work.
Unfortunately, not everyone can go trekking through the waterfalls of Hawaii or trailblazing through the jungle of Costa Rica every week. With these advanced negative oil therapies, we can bring a some of nature's healing benefits to you!
We need 100,000 to 500,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter of air for optimal health, and to enhance our own body's natural healing abilities to aid recovery from natural illness.

Positive Ions
Found in most forms of pollution, toxic chemicals, pet dander, pollen, mold, and other harmful chemicals in the air
On cloudy days - more positive ions make you feel lethargic
EMF exposure increases presence of positive ions
Prevalent in Cities, Office Buildings, and Industrial Zones
2013 literature review, positive ions cause:
acute respiratory irritation
joint symptoms

Negative Ions
A 2018 review showed that negative ions:
help regulate sleep patterns and mood
reduce stress
boost immune system function
increase metabolism of carbs and fats
kill or inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, viruses, and mold species, such as E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and the bacterium that causes tuberculosis
Your Negative Ion Exposure

Air Conditioned Room
0 - 25 neg ion/cubic cm

800 - 1500 neg ion/cubic cm

10,000 - 50,000 neg ion/cubic cm

Neg Ion