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IBS: Support: Step 3 in the Cleanbody Method

If you have been following our blog the last couple of weeks, you know that we have been talking about Irritable Bowel Syndrome- often a catch-all diagnosis for some debilitating gastrointestinal symptoms that don’t quite fit the box for other conditions.  Read more about what IBS is here and how we evaluate it here at Cleanbody.  Our latest blog post discusses all the ways that we optimize what we refer to as the “Pillars of Health” in order to address IBS from a multitude of angles.  In addition to optimizing your food, routine, environment, physical activity and managing stress, sometimes a little extra support can still be needed. 

If after evaluating your body in regards to IBS, and optimizing by setting up the Pillars of Health, you are still having some lingering symptoms, you may need some extra support for specific organ systems in the body.  In this Step 3 of the Cleanbody Method, we look at the specific organ systems that are still showing dysfunction and provide targeted support to improve function. 

The 4 Phases of Support for the Cleanbody Method include:

  • Addressing Core Imbalances

  • Opening Drainage pathways 

  • Supporting the body in its natural detoxification abilities

  • Supporting maintenance of a “Cleanbody for life!”

Core Imbalances

When it comes to addressing Core Imbalances in the body, we replenish and restore any areas of vitamin, mineral, nutrient insufficiency or deficiency.  This occurs through targeted foods, along with supplementation when necessary.  Sometimes this may look like increasing proteins or healthy fats or paying special attention to foods high in particular vitamins depending on your individual evaluation. In some cases, we may even suggest IV therapy for high doses of vitamins and minerals if your body is depleted. 

Opening Drainage Pathways

When we use the word “drainage” we are referring to the natural processes your body uses to rid itself of toxins.  This happens through the liver/gallbladder, lymphatic system, the gut/colon, sweating, and kidneys/urine.  We want to make sure that we are supporting that these pathways are open and moving well during any process to cleanse the body.  If the toxins can’t get out, they can recirculate which can make you feel sick.  To ensure pathways are open, we use a variety of methods ranging from food (adequate nutrients, fiber, antioxidants) to lymphatic massage, exercise, and encouraging daily bowel movements. If the bile isn’t flowing well or there are constipation issues as there can be with IBS, we can suggest options to make sure your body is draining well.  We encourage exercise for lymphatic drainage and to induce proper sweating.  Proper hydration is crucial to increase urine output and filter the kidneys. In addition, a few of the supportive methods we may suggest for IBS might include things such as: 

  • Colon hydrotherapy: Colon Hydrotherapy involves the gentle infusion of warm, purified water into the colon to flush out accumulated waste, toxins, and stagnant material. This is done in the office of a certified hydrotherapist.  

    • Benefits:

      • Improved digestive health

      • Relief from constipation

      • Enhanced nutrient absorption

      • Detoxification

    • Indications:

      • Constipation or irregular bowel movements

      • Digestive discomfort

      • Detoxification

      • Preparation for certain medical procedures (colonoscopy

  • Enemas: These involve the introduction of liquid into the rectum to cleanse the colon in the privacy of your own home.  Warm water enemas can help with constipation whereas coffee enemas can provide support of the liver and gallbladder. 

    • Benefits:

      • Colon cleansing

      • Relief from constipation

      • Detoxification and increased bile flow

      • Improved digestive health

    • Indications:

      • Constipation or irregular bowel movements

      • Digestive discomfort

      • Detoxification

      • Preparation for certain medical procedures (colonoscopy)

*Colon Hydrotherapy and enemas may not be a fit for everyone so make sure you check with a medical provider to make sure this is a safe and effective option for you.

  • Castor Oil Packs: Castor oil packs involve applying a cloth soaked in castor oil to a specific area of the body.  (You can purchase these as in all-in-one kit as well such as through Queen of Thrones). Castor oil helps to detoxify and depending on placement can support the liver, the colon, and reproductive organs.

    • Benefits:

      • Liver support

      • Reduced inflammation

      • Relaxation

      • Potential benefits for digestive health

    • Indications:

      • Liver detoxification

      • Menstrual pain relief

      • Digestive support

      • Relaxation


Supplements such as homeopathy or herbs can also support drainage pathways in a gentle and effective way.  At Cleanbody, we carefully consider each person as an individual when deciding how best to open and support drainage. 

Supporting the body in its natural detoxification abilities

The body is wise and has many built in systems to detox.  Modern life including toxic exposures, endocrine disruptors, infections, and stress can all overload our body’s ability to detoxify well.  With IBS, we want to make sure in addition to outside help from supplements or therapies, we want to also support the body in its most natural way. 

Targeted Nutrition 

  • Anyone that has suffered with IBS-like symptoms, knows that nutrition matters a lot and it looks quite different for everyone. It can be common to have a lot of food sensitivities and intolerances and to be unsure what to eat or not eat because it doesn’t always seem to have the same effect day to day.  Here at Cleanbody, we believe that diversity of food is important but at the start of your journey, it may be hard to consume a wide variety of foods. We take this into account when we begin implementing food in a methodical and therapeutic way.  We use eliminations as a temporary way to reduce inflammation while increasing nutrient dense foods as tolerated to nourish the body.

Nervous system regulation

  • One of the most often overlooked aspects of IBS, is the connection between the gut and the brain. The gut is often called the “2nd brain” as it is connected by the vagus nerve which is why we often experience things like butterflies in the stomach or anxiety when the microbiome is out of balance.  Supporting the nervous system is key in keeping the body out of a constant fight or flight state. We use a variety of methods to balance the nervous system and support a calm mind.

At Cleanbody, we approach IBS using our Cleanbody Method to evaluate the root cause, optimize the pillars of health, and support the body with targeted interventions. Once we address these factors, it is important that we help you to support maintenance of what we call a “Cleanbody for life.”   After healing has occurred and resilience is building, we methodically reintroduce foods that have been reduced or eliminated, reduce supplements as needed, and work on finding a manageable and sustainable place of balance that will help you to achieve long term success.

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


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